Grafana multi select


I am new to Grafana.

Need one urgent help w.r.t my project requirement stated below 
I have a multi select query type variable with drop-down options  as below
           NORTH, SOUTH , EAST , WEST

I select some options ( NORTH and SOUTH ) from the drop down. [ NORTH + SOUTH ]

Now I need to extract the individual values from this multi select variable and store in other variables.

  var1 = 'NORTH'
  var2 = 'SOUTH'

so that , I can use these variables ( var1, var2) individually in some other queries.

Is it possible in Grafana ? If so , how to achieve this ?

I tried lot of options …but no luck yet.

Any quick response would be appreciated since there is an urgent project requirement.

Please let me know.


What is the datasource that will use these values?

MySQL? Postgres?