I am using grafana v.9.3.2 since docker. I configured grafana with JWT, this is my grafana.ini
protocol = http
http_port = 3003
domain = qa-grafana.domain.com
root_url = https://qa-grafana.domain.com/
cookie_name = grafana_session
cookie_secure = false
admin_user = root
admin_password = root
cookie_samesite = disabled
disable_login_form = true
signout_redirect_url= https://graf.auth.us-weast-1.amazoncognito.com/logout?client_id=1234&logout_uri=https://myapy.domain.com/users/logout
enabled = true
enable_login_token = true
header_name = x-token-auth-qa
username_claim = sub
email_claim = sub
jwk_set_file = /tmp/jwks.json
auto_sign_up = true
url_login = true
I am getting access to the grafana using:
https://qa-grafana.domain.com/?auth_token=eyJraWQiOiI3S29xUjYwSlVsSVZaclhUenAzRWhpbEdnbTVPQVdqOW50K3V1UzdNK0cwPSIsImFsZyI&orgId=1 -
I login correctly using the JWT
I display the main menu of grafana
I access one of my dashboards and it works correctly from the grafana controls
But if I refresh (F5 or Reload this page option) from the chrome browser, it immediately redirects me to https://qa-grafana.domain.com/login
What is my mistake, what can I do to continue working with JWT and work correctly even if I refresh the page from the browser?
Dairo Cortes