Grafana has failed to load its application files error

I am getting an intermittent error when going to our self-hosted grafana before logging in. I have grafana deployed as part of the prometheus-operator helm chart. I have generic_oauth setup using Azure AD. The workaround I’ve had to do is use another browser and I can login, however, sometimes this issue will occur on all my browsers and I am unable to login again for a period of time. This issue seems to have come up more since integrating with Azure AD

Grafana helm chart version: 5.0.5
Grafana app version: 6.6.2

Screenshot shows javascript error in Firefox:
SyntaxError: nothing to repeat

And I’m not sure what to make of this error:
TypeError: is undefined


check_for_updates = true
disable_login_form = true
enabled = false
enabled = false
allow_sign_up = true
api_url = redacted
auth_url = redacted
client_id = redacted
client_secret = redacted
enabled = true
name = Azure AD
scopes = openid
token_url = redacted
url =
mode = console
level = debug
data = /var/lib/grafana/data
logs = /var/log/grafana
plugins = /var/lib/grafana/plugins
provisioning = /etc/grafana/provisioning
root_url = https://grafana.hostname

Debug logging on grafana doesn’t show anything

Any suggestions would be helpful

This error is usually due to Grafana not being able to find its frontend files (which I hope the main error describes). This can be due to proxy settings - changing the root_url setting for example changes the paths for the JavaScript files that Grafana loads on start up.

Reverse Proxy docs:

Thanks, I was afraid that was going to be the answer, I’ll keep looking at my config.

Hello. I am running into a similar issue from all my browsers. Just want to check how you were able to get past this error.