ok i will use a simple example.
This is query i write to store in mssql:
INSERT INTO [Dev].[dbo].[metric_values] (time, measurement, valueOne, valueTwo) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ‘Metric A’, 62, 6)
INSERT INTO [Dev].[dbo].[metric_values] (time, measurement, valueOne, valueTwo) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ‘Metric B’, 49, 11)
INSERT INTO [Dev].[dbo].[metric_values] (time, measurement, valueOne, valueTwo) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ‘Metric A’, 14, 25)
INSERT INTO [Dev].[dbo].[metric_values] (time, measurement, valueOne, valueTwo) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ‘Metric B’, 48, 10)

and i want to show it in grafana, like in the picture, time is using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, it will appear a value of current time in server.
But, there is an issue with time zone setting in grafana, if i used default, the (time) in database is not same with the(time) in grafana.
If timezone use default: value appear in database is more faster than real time in server, i give an attachment to proof time is more faster than real time in mssql and pc)
if timezone use local time browser: This timezone have a same issue.
If timezone use UTC: The value appear in database already have a same time with Real time in mssql and pc), but if i use utc, i know real time in grafana will follow UTC+12:00, so if i used last 5 minutes, it will not appear, because real time in grafana is following UTC+12:00(UTC international), so this is not fix my issue.
my expect is the data can be appear in the same time with grafana,mssql, and pc. I already change time setting in my pc to UTC+12:00, but the data but delay 12 hours. i will give an attachment to proof.
capture 5 & 6: time setting(pc) use UTC+7:100:
capture 7,8,9,10: time setting (pc) use UTC+12:00:

Capture 9 & 10: The value appear in grafana already same like pc & mssql time, but real time in grafana becom delayed 12 hours.