Grafana Enterpise Audit Loggin for User Login Activities

Hello everyone,

I have two questions about Grafana audit logging. I just show this topic Audit a Grafana instance | Grafana documentation for audit logging. I need Time, Username, IP address information for the user login activities and as I understand from this, I can check it with the audit logging but my questions are:

  1. How can I be sure that the audit logging is activated?
  2. How can I access the audit logs? Where is these logs?

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

1.) Grafana “superadmin” has access to settings, where all current config values are listed (applicable only for on-prem instances; you need to contact support for managed instances), e.g:

2.) That depends on your audit configuration (loggers), deployment, log management, …

Audit logs can be saved into files, sent to a Loki instance or sent to the Grafana default logger. By default, only the file exporter is enabled. You can choose which exporter to use in the configuration file.

Options are file, loki, and logger. Use spaces to separate multiple modes, such as file loki.