Grafana don't send alert notification after updating to v.7.4

Hi there!
Grafana version - v.7.4.0
Notification channels - email, telegram
Datasource - Prometheus

I’m using Grafana v.7.4.0 and the previous version was 6.3 and as a datasource i’m using Prometheus.

After updating to v.7.4 Grafana stopped sending any alert notification, currently i’m using mail and telegram as a notification channels. It’s strange that the test message is successful for telegram but it’s not successful for email, though i don’t recieve any errors when sending test message to email.
Mb anyone encountered such kind of problem previous or in new Grafana versions or knows how to fix it. I’ll be appreciate for help.

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I am also facing a similar scenario, do we have any fix for this issue

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