Grafana dashboard date format

Is it possible to change the date format shown on the grafana historian datasource dashboard graphs? The UI doesn’t give any such option.Thanks

No there is no option for that yet

Thanks for your reply. Can I modify the grafana code to use different date format? Will it work?

I would love to be able to change this formatting that looks totally weird to my European eyes. Are there plans for it?

There is an open ticket for localising the date format over at Github:

I’d like to see wider adoption for formats across Grafana, including date/time (I often get confused with the American MM/DD format) and consistent number formatting of numbers across plugins (for instance, World Map does not add a thousand separator).

Is there any progress on this?

For compliance purposes, it would be great if we could use ISO 8601 dates in the UI. Any progress on this?


Any progress on this?