Hi All,
I am trying to send span data using curl (zipkin) to Grafana Clound Tempo as per the docs here (Pushing Spans with HTTP | Grafana Labs).
This is the curl
curl -X POST https://<MY-ID>:<MY-API-KEY>@tempo-xx-xxxxxxx.grafana.net/ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '[{
"id": "1234",
"traceId": "0123456789abcdef",
"timestamp": 1608239395286533,
"duration": 100000,
"name": "span from bash!",
"localEndpoint": {
"serviceName": "shell script"
I do get a “OK” response from the above command but when search for the traceID in grafana.net , I dont see it.
Is the zipkin format not enabled in tempo cloud version or there is something wrong with the data or the url? I have redacted the url partially
Why I am trying to do a curl is basically I want to send the span data via spring cloud sleuth (zipkin/brave) which can directly send it to a zipkin server instead of running agents.
Thank you.