im trying to load some alertrules through a script into grafana cloud. Therefore im trying to use mimirtool and first i used provided first_rules.yml from manual for test.
Tryed: (Variables are set before)
docker run --rm -e MIMIR_ADDRESS -e MIMIR_API_KEY -e MIMIR_API_USER -v $(pwd):/local/ grafana/mimirtool rules load /local/first_rules.yml
time="2022-12-08T08:45:41Z" level=error msg="server returned HTTP status 401 Unauthorized: {\"message\":\"invalid username or password\",\"traceID\":\"hidden\"}" fields.msg="{\"message\":\"invalid username or password\",\"traceID\":\"hidden\"}" status="401 Unauthorized"
mimirtool: error: load operation unsuccessful, unable to contact Grafana Mimir API: GET request to https://hidden.grafana.net/prometheus/config/v1/rules/first_rules/shopping_service_rules_and_alerts failed: server returned HTTP status 401 Unauthorized: {"message":"invalid username or password","traceID":"hidden"}, try --help
But im not able to get authenticated and so the rules are not applicable for me.
Is there anyone which can help me?