Hi guys,
I have a small question. I configured Grafana and set nginx as reverse proxy for it. My Grafana is under /monitoring subpath and everything works fine but i am able to get it only by IP and port of my nginx server with /monitoring subpath at the end (mynginx:port/monitoring/) but cannot reach it like this community.grafana.com/monitoring. Message that I can have problems with my reverse proxy settings appears. Is it correct? Is it possible to reach Grafana using nginx as well as root_url?
My nginx config:
location /monitoring/ {
proxy_pass http://grafana.staged-by-discourse.com/;
and my grafana.ini
root_url = %(protocol)s://%(domain)s:%(http_port)s/monitoring/
I am wondering if I should be able to get Grafana by community.grafana.com/monitoring/ as well as by nginx_ip:port/monitoring/