Grafana Alerts for each row of a query

I have a query in grafana that looks like this

count by( applicationAcronym, instance, name , env) (windows_service_state{name=~(?i)fluent-bit|promtail|Windows_Exporter, applicationAcronym=~“appA|AppB”, env=~“PD8|PD1”, state!=“running”}==1) * on(instance) group_left(hostname) windows_cs_hostname

The output is 2 rows of data as shown. When email notification is sent out, 1 email with both the rows is being sent, is there a way to get multiple emails for each row of result?

I think you are talking abt grouping alerts. I am asking abt sending them individually per row of a query result for 1 alert.

Exactly, I guess you have grouping enabled so you have “1 email with both the rows is being sent”.
Disable grouping and you will have “2 emails and each email with different row”.

Interesting but I dnt have any grouping set.

That’s what you think. But all symptoms indicate that you have - so follow doc and disable grouping.

Perfectly correct, that worked.