Grafana Alert Notification Template - How to change timezone to UTC+08

Hello Grafana Community,

I am working on customizing the alert notification template in Grafana and need assistance with changing the timezone to UTC+08. Currently, my template looks like this:

{{ define "alert.print_alert" -}}

 {{ .Labels.alertname }}
Time: {{ .StartsAt.Format "2006-01-02 03:04:05 MST" }}
{{ end }}

Grafana Version: Grafana v10.2.0

I would like to adjust the timezone to UTC+08. Can someone guide me on the correct syntax or configuration to achieve this?

Thank you in advance for your help!


I would also like to hear an answer to this. The dashboard shows my local time, but alerts are always in UTC. Where can I change the setting for this?


Also struggling with the correct syntax. Gos time package documentation referenced in grafana docs is not providing much help


Struggling with this too. Did you get a solution for this?

No solution has been presented as yet. We do include timestamps in UTC on our notifications but they are confusing to calculate at a glance. Is there something I’m missing?

You aren’t using Grafana OnCall as your alert manager, are you? I finally figured out how to do it within OnCall’s templating system (Jinja2/Python), which I will explain below. However, I haven’t yet figured out how to do this within Grafana’s templating system (Go template/text) - sorry.

For OnCall templates, you can use the datetimeformat_as_timezone filter.
As an example:
{{ payload.alerts[0].startsAt | iso8601_to_time | datetimeformat_as_timezone('%I:%M %p on %a, %B %d %Z','US/Eastern') }}

Hello! :wave: We just added this feature to Alertmanager (Add date and tz functions to templates by grobinson-grafana · Pull Request #3812 · prometheus/alertmanager · GitHub). We’ll work to add it to Grafana and you should expect it in the next release.

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Hi, has this feature been added to Grafana Alertmanager yet?

Hi, has this feature been added to Grafana Alertmanager yet?

Has this feature released for Grafana ?

Yes! tz and date are available in the Alertmanager of the latest Grafana releases, and documented here.

The following notification template should work:

{{ define "custom_template" }}
  {{ range .Alerts }}
    {{ .StartsAt | tz "Europe/Paris" }}
    {{ .StartsAt | tz "Europe/Paris" | date "15:04:05 MST" }}
  {{ end}}
{{ end }}

on v10.2.2
I cannot save your custom_template

why ?

Let me guess: because yours 10.2.2 is not the latest Grafana release.