Grafana 11.3.0 - Status Panel

Dear Forums members,
I have seen this quetion asked many times, however no one appears to solve any of them and if they have no one really explain how he did that.
so i’m going to try ask it again with hope to get a solution.
so lets start with which plugin im talking about, im refering to status panel:

what i managed to do, i was able to set variable of host and duplicate each “panel” for each server dynamicly.
inside the panel i have create a simple query:
select name,status from interfaces where name like ‘%$Host%’ and status != 1
basically it supposed to show me every intrace with it’s name and the status of it.

however when i’m using 2 columns in my select nothing works if i will remove the name from the query it will react to my threshold.

is it possible to acheiv something like that?

Thanks in advance.

welcome @talk

Can you please post some sample data and the Status Panel configuration

also you might want to also ask here

@yosiasz - thanks for the reply, well i checked the following link you provided:

it appears like supporting only: influxDB and Graphite, however it seems to be very old post and not updated so i hope it’s support others and they just forgot to update it.
here is some data:
from right to left:

select fullname,operstatus from interfaces where fullname like ‘%$Host%’ and (operstatus != 1 and operstatus != 9)

the idea is to generate a box that showing all the interfaces which are down at the same time.
also if the whole node itself is down to show that as well (add another query in B section)

hope you have enough data.
i will keep digging meanwhile in the Github you provided.

Thanks in advanced.

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