Grafana 10 is upgrading to React 18

One of the major changes coming in Grafana 10 will be our upgrade to React 18 and use of the new React client rendering API. There are many significant benefits we gain from this: access to new React features like transitions and concurrent rendering, as well as other general performance and security improvements. These changes have now been delivered to the core grafana repo with PR 64428.

As with any major upgrade, there’s a potential for this to impact the way your plugin works. In particular, there could be unintended side effects caused by the changes around improving consistency with useEffect timings and automatic batching of state updates.

Recommended actions:

  • Review the React 18 upgrade docs
  • Test your plugins against one of the latest grafana-dev docker images (for example, this one)
  • Add a comment here if your plugin is impacted in any way. Either to socialise the changes needed for your plugin or to reach out and ask for help yourself.