Getting http://HOST_NAME:9090/api/v1/query": dial tcp HOST_NAME:9090: connect: **permission denied**

Hi All, I am new to grafana. Please help me to fix below mentioned issue. I would really appreciate your help.

I want to visualize APACHE KAFKA’s jmx matrics on grafana

While configuring Prometheus data source in grafana, I am getting below error.

“Error reading Prometheus: Post “http://HOST_NAME:9090/api/v1/query”: dial tcp HOST_NAME:9090: connect: permission denied

What does this permission denied means ? Do I need to configure any ACLs to access Prometheus Time series Database ?

Grafana Version: 11.4 (latest)

There is no authentication for grafana
enable= true
org_role= Editor


  1. I am able to get expected response for this URL “http://HOST_NAME:9090/api/v1/query**?query=up**” , when I am running it on server where grafana and prometheus are configured.
  2. Grafana service is running on VM with RHEL 8.4. I am accessing grafana in jump server through Chrome browser.

Thanks in advance !

Hi All,

This issue is resolved now.

Actually Multiple services were running for Prometheus. Post stopping all and starting intended Prometheus service, I am able to access Prometheus datasource.

Thanks :slight_smile: