Getting error in Grafana Alerts - Failed to evaluate queries and expressions: input data must be a wide series but got type not (input refid)

I am facing this error while creating a alert rule in Managed Grafana in Azure. The Postgres Database is used to source the notification data and raise alert when there is a new error log created in the database, but the alert rule failed at this PostgreSQL query with this error “Failed to evaluate queries and expressions: input data must be a wide series but got type not (input refid)”.

DB Query : select count(environment_desc) a, count(event_name) b,
count(procedure_name) c, count(message) d, count(schema_name) e
from public.tbl_notification
where timestamp_created >= date_trunc(‘month’, now()) - interval ‘2 month’ and
timestamp_created < date_trunc(‘month’, now())
group by environment_desc, event_name,procedure_name, message, schema_name

Please help me to sort this issue.

@sudheerpm were you able to resolve your issue? I’m facing the same issue with azure adx as a datasource