What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
Grafana v10.0.3 (eb8dd72637)
Ubuntu 20.04 -
What are you trying to achieve?
I’m pulling two time series metrics from Prometheus. For the sake of simplicity, lets say they are Temperature and Humidity.
I’d like to use a Graph Panel for Temperature and a Gauge for Humidity.
So far, no troubles there.
What I’m trying to achieve is the humidity value (displayed on the Gauge) to dynamically change as I hover the mouse over the Temperature Graph, i.e. the Gauge should show the instant humidity value for the timestamp my mouse is on over the temperature graph.
I could only find one possible setting on the Gauge which may accomplish this:
But as explained in the tooltip, it will use the “To” timestamp from the time range selector. there’s no option to tell it to use a variable or just a setting to “follow time across panels”, similar to the Dashboard option for shared tooltips or shared crosshair across panels.
Any ideas?
Thanks in Advance for any help!!!