Hi, I’m new to Grafana but having looked around quite a bit, I haven’t found an answer to this yet. I do believe it is a pretty common requirement and having seem some other questions that might have been similar, I suspect this might not entirely be possible.
What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
Grafana v10.3.3 (252761264e) -
What are you trying to achieve?
I have a table on one PostgreSQL database that stores (among other things) a start and end time for a specific occurrence.
In a different database altogether, I have a table that captures some metrics every few minutes depending on traffic/load/whatever else.
I want to query the intervals from the first database and use it to exclude metrics found from the second database therefore gauging performance of a service outside of these occurrences. -
How are you trying to achieve it?
I have tried several suggestions I have found elsewhere in the forum, most of which suggested using some form of the variables. I set up a query variable that concats the start and end times as follows:
(extract (epoch from starttime))::int8 || ';' || (extract (epoch from endtime))::int8
FROM interval_table;
I then attempted to use this variable referenced in my metrics query, splitting it up again and joining on the split variables.
What happened?
Selecting the variable actually creates different columns instead of different rows, which causes a duplicate column error in Grafana and also doesn’t allow me to join on these rows.
select $interval_variable
What did you expect to happen?
I would assume selecting the variable would give me several rows, each with the concatted start and end times. I could then extract them in a CTE and join my metrics table outside of these intervals.
This is the route that I have taken thus far, but as I mentioned above, I’m not sure if this is actually the way to solve the actual issue I’m looking at.
Thanks for your time and effort.