Filter data with tags using a not operator

Grafana 10.3.3
Data-source - Zabbix 6.0

Using the Zabbix data-source, is it possible to filter data by tags using a “not” operator?

Suggestion :

In Grafana with a Zabbix data source, you can filter tags using the “not” operator by following these steps:

  1. Tags Field Syntax :
    In the Tags field, specify the tags you want to exclude using the ! operator.
  • To exclude a tag: !Tag1:value1
  • To exclude multiple tags: !Tag1:value1, !Tag2:value2
  1. Logical Operators :
    Combine tags with AND/OR logic for complex filtering. For example:
  • !Tag1:value1 AND Tag2:value2 (excludes Tag1:value1 while including Tag2:value2).
  1. Save and Refresh :
    After applying the tags, save your query and refresh the dashboard to see the filtered results.

This ensures you can exclude specific data by leveraging the not (!) operator effectively.

Latetly, I’m using Grafana 11.4 and the not (!) operator is not valid.

When I try to include it in the tag field, no data is displayed.