Extracting value from log and using it to make dashboard in grafana with Elastic datasource

I am using Grafana with Elastic as Data Source. I have logs of the format given below:

uetr:: null##18:55:54#O#-#-#-#APIServices#-#60#-##POST//rcb-api/rcb/api/v1/payment-transactions/ null

I want to extract the number after string ‘APIServices#-#’ (60 in this case) and use this number in my panel to build a time-series graph.
How do I do this? The metric I am using is Raw Data. Using the right regular expression also does not work for me. ( Used this query : message: #O#-#-#-#APIServices#-#([0-9]+)# )
This is because the field used in the time series graph is different. The field I want is ‘message’. The section of log shown above is in this field. How do I change this default field?
Is this the right approach?

Grafana : v8.3.2 on Windows 10