Error with local synthetic monitoring

I installed the plugin Synthetic Monitoring 1.9.7 locally with the command line on debian 10 x64 (grafana-cli plugins install grafana-synthetic-monitoring-app) but when I try to go to the “home” page of the plugin this happens

Also this happened when I enabled the plugin:
which is a bit strange. What am I doing wrong? Thank you for any help

Hey there! At this time, Synthetic Monitoring is packaged to require a Grafana Cloud account. There are a few configuration settings that must be changed when installing this plugin in Grafana open source. You can find those settings in the “configuration” section of this doc.

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Hi @massimilianomicol and @Melody, I just found a bug in the plugin causing this specific problem. I have a fix up in a PR, should be released in the next version of the plugin. Many apologies for that regression!