Email alert template subject is broken

Hi Y’all,

I have started using the following template which gives great email alert templates, but the subject looks bad (shown the actual HTML).

Grafana version: 9.3.2

email template:

{{ define "email" }}
  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html xmlns="">
          <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
          <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
          <p>.Title = {{.Title}}</p>
          <p>.State = {{.State}}</p>
          <p>.Name = {{.Name}}</p>
              .StateModel = {{.StateModel}}<br />
              .StateModel.Color = {{.StateModel.Color}}<br />
              .StateModel.Text = {{.StateModel.Text}}<br />
          <p>.Message = {{.Message}}</p>
          <p>.Error = {{.Error}}</p>
          <p>.RuleUrl = {{.RuleUrl}}</p>
          <p>.ImageLink = {{.ImageLink}}</p>
              .EmbeddedImage = {{.EmbeddedImage}}<br />
              {{if ne .EmbeddedImage "" }}
              <img src="cid:{{.EmbeddedImage}}" />
          <p>.AlertPageUrl = {{.AlertPageUrl}}</p>
              .EvalMatches = {{.EvalMatches}}<br />
              {{range .EvalMatches}} &nbsp;&nbsp;.Metric = {{.Metric}}<br />
              &nbsp;&nbsp;.Value = {{.Value}}<br />
              &nbsp;&nbsp;.Tags = {{.Tags}}<br />
{{ end }}

The subject when being sent looks like so -
it seems to show the HTML in the subject

I would like it to look like so -


my slack template for this looks like so:

[{{- .Status | toUpper }} | {{ .Alerts.Firing | len }} | {{ .CommonLabels.env | toUpper }} ] {{ .CommonLabels.alertname -}}

Can it be reused?

Thank you

:frowning: Well, this happened because I used my email template in the email subject :frowning: