ElasticSearch with Metricbeat and Filebeat

I am newer in Grafana and Elastic search world. I have a problem when I use a default grafana´s template for Elastic search.
I could not display any info on graph. I could reach the server and docker image but I could not display any info on dashboard.

Any ideas about conf?

So you get no errors? What dashboard do you have? What ES says? What query do you issue? What is the ES response?


Thanks for your support

Here you have my answers.

So you get no erros? – No. The gear on up right corner runs and runs and not stops to run
What dashboard do you have? – Docker.Dikio.Error
What ES says? – 5
What query do you issue? – No queries
What is the ES response? – No response.

I attached you can see a download a dashboard sample got from Grafana website.

Hi torkel

I saw your trick to open developer tool and I got this error for each access this dashboard do on elasticsearch server

XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://<elastic_server_ip>/_msearch. Request header field Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.

If you use elasticsearch with direct access you need to enable cors options in your ES settings