is it possible to have dynamic time range selction . the start and end time is decided by query or variable and then the same start to end is selected based on value of starttime and endtime coming from data using query .
i am trying to solve the case of i want to display graph .
If you mean writing your data to $__from and $__to
variables from queries, then it’s not possible as of now.
See also:
I am having different cpu metrics in different time. I made a dash board with template variable to pick different run number like below examples . These runs are in different times and different time intervals.
1) Run -1 03-04-2017 10:00 AM To 10:45 AM
2) Run - 2 22-03-2017 15:00 PM To 16:05 PM
3) Run - 3 15-02-2017 8:00 AM To 8:30 AM
Based on my template value (either run- 1, run-2 or run -3) should plot full graph panel .
It means should dynamically take the time r…
I am new here and I try to learn Grafana - and for this problem I need help.
We want to plot laboratory tests in Grafana. For example:
We do a lot of electrical tests and log the voltage as time series data. To choose the desired test I built a filter to select the “test_id” (see database example below). The data selection works good, but what we need is an autofocus at the panel (graph). Maybe, if we choose “test_id” 1, the focus should be between 2019-02-01 and 2019-02-02 (min and max t…
start and end time coming from a query is possible
why do you want to do that instead of using grafana time picke