Can I dynamically change "from" and "to" time range

I am having different cpu metrics in different time. I made a dash board with template variable to pick different run number like below examples . These runs are in different times and different time intervals.

1) Run -1 03-04-2017 10:00 AM To 10:45 AM
2) Run - 2 22-03-2017 15:00 PM To 16:05 PM
3) Run - 3 15-02-2017 8:00 AM To 8:30 AM

Based on my template value (either run- 1, run-2 or run -3) should plot full graph panel .
It means should dynamically take the time range and plot full graph.

No this is currently not possible,

Is it possible now? I am using Grafana v7.1.5. Please let me know.