Drill down link for world map geopoints

How to add the drill down link (to another dashboard) for data points in the world map?

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you can add a drilldown link like any other panel, but do not think you can refer to an actual value or have a worldmap circle act like a drilldown link

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Thank you for the quick response. May I know what is the other way to achieve the same?

Other way? Not sure there is one

I need to click on the circle to drill down table panel or pop-uptable panel,Can it be done?

I am looking to do something like this and was curious (since it had been a while) if anyone has come up with a solution for this? Thanks.

As a work around I add a table below the World Map with summary data from the events plotted on the map. I then configure a dynamic link in the table to the dashboard needed to analyze the event. Hope this helps.

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Thank you @ech505. It is a good alternative for now until we can solve this. I was just curious if anyone had been working on this since Jan. '18 and made any progress.

Hi, Is it possible now that worldmap circles act like a drilldown link?

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Hi everyone,

our Worldmap fork [1,2] has incorporated more sophisticated drill-down/clickthrough features from the community as well as some advanced variable interpolation features from our own pen. Both features might help you here.

Clickthrough links
This combines both clickthrough link implementations #129 and #190, integrates sticky labels from 6ac68ef and adds basic variable interpolation based on keys from dataPoint.

Variable interpolation all the way down
This brings Grafana-style variable interpolation to all panel settings. It will allow you to pull variables from dashboard variables, data point fields and URL request parameters and also override panel control options with URL request parameters.

  • Query parameters prefixed by request_ are merged into the set of variables interpolation dictionary.
  • Request parameters prefixed with panel- optionally override the respective control options.

We hope this helps and will be happy to hear about the outcome for you.

With kind regards,

[1] GitHub - panodata/panodata-map-panel: Map Panel for Grafana with improved convenience, robustness and features. Friendly fork of the original Grafana Worldmap Panel. Currently not maintained, but verified to work up to Grafana 9.
[2] Panodata Map Panel for Grafana - The workbench - Panodata Community