Does Grafana have SOC2 or ISO 27001 security certification?

Hi, Our company is going through SOC2 security compliance process. In order to achieve our certification, we need to ask our vendors to provide a proof of certification that Grafana is certified by any of the following SOC2/SOC3/HIPAA/CSA/FedRAMP/HITRUST/ISO 27001/PCI DSS/Business Associate Agreement/Non-disclosure Agreement/Master Service Agreement.
Can you send me a link to download the security certificated that proves that Grafana has the security certificate from one of the organizations above?

What on earth would “certified by a … Non-disclosure agreement” mean?

I really do not see the connection between several of the things in that list.


Haha yeah it’s quite the laundry list!

@sergiokameo I’m not sure the Grafana Community Forum is what your SOC2 auditors had in mind when they requested you ask your vendors for proof of certification. As a starting point, googling “Grafana SOC2” throws up Security Compliance | Grafana Labs, but if you’re going through this I’d suggest reaching out to Grafana Labs directly for support.

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