Disable Normal [Missingseries] alerts

Hi everyone

I have an alert setup and i want to receive both failed and ok messages for when the system is back on track.

Right now i am receiving ok messages when the state is restored to normal but the problem is that i also receive ok messages when there is a missing series.

I only want to be alerted when the state is ‘Normal (Updated)’, not when it is ‘Normal (Missingseries)’

How can i configure this?

We’ve a few options:

1 - Suppress the No Data scenario/state entirely

If you don’t need MissingSeries (NoData) notifications, you can configure NoData state to “Normal” or “Keep Last State” . This will suppress DatasourceNoData notifications for both - when there is no data or when the no data scenario is resolved:

More on the docs: modify the no data and error state.

2 - Using a notification policy when the alert state is set to “No data”

When the alert state is set to “No Data” and there is no data, the alert rule generates the DatasourceNoData alert.

Then, you could suppress the “resolved” notification of the DatasourceNoData alert as follows.

2.1 - Define a notification policy to handle the DatasourceNoData alert: alertname = DatasourceNoData. See @jangaraj’s answer here.

2.2 - In the contact point of the notification policy, you have two options:

Hope it helps!