I´m sorry about that question, also with documentation i´m not able to convert my INFLUX Query to a Flux Query in Grafana.
The reason for converting is grouping by month for values. Can U help me please? What do I have to do if i want to query following in Flux instead of Influx:
SELECT integral("mean")/3600000 FROM (SELECT mean("value") as "mean" FROM "autogen"."senec.0.ENERGY.GUI_HOUSE_POW" WHERE ("value" > 0) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time(5s) fill(0) tz('Europe/Berlin')) WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time(24h) tz('Europe/Berlin')
Second Database with Flux is already created in Grafana.
I don’t understand the principle so far. Haven’t found an example which compares influxdb query to Flux query… if anyone can give me the Flux query Code for my Influxdb query above, I think I could understand it better.
Thank U, this is a great video and big help for me. Now I have a query that works so far. Problem is, if start grouping data for example every: 1mo over 1 year or several months i will get a timeout in the query. Without grouping, the query is very fast.
yes, I would like to but I don´t know where i can do this? This would be great to find out how long it needs.
Is there a possibilty for faster query with time grouping? actually it interrupts after 30 seconds with timeout