Is there a way to get XY chart code? Because I I cannot find it anywhere? I would like to make contribution.
Is there a way to get XY chart code? Because I I cannot find it anywhere? I would like to make contribution.
its part of the grafana code base itseld not as separate plugim like geomap, time series, bar chart etc
Thank, yes I found the code in repostory under public\app\plugins\panel\xychart. So probably I can now make any modificaitons to plugin right? Just it’s confusing beacuse like you pointed out it’s not a seprate plugin but it’s code base.
Grafana has both core and external plugins. xychart is a “core” plugin (meaning it is part of the grafana core codebase) and as you pointed, its code is inside the grafana repository grafana/public/app/plugins/panel/xychart at main · grafana/grafana · GitHub
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