Hi, I’m new here but trying to create a graph. I have various temperatures sensors and have them linked up to display the readings in a graph, the Y axis is temp and the X axis is time. I would now like to plot when the boiler is on or off on the same graph, what would be the best way of doing this.
At the moment the results from the boiler are a 1 or 0 but this is showing up on the graph as 1deg when the boiler is on and 0 deg when the boiler is off.
The data is coming from home assistant to InfluxDB then to Grafana and at the moment just outputs a 1 when the boiler is on and a 0 when off. I would prefer to see a high level in the graph for the on and off.
Was looking at the Time regions and how they display a band down the screen, that would be good if it can be down but related to the boiler on and off period.