Hi all, I was trying to approach the same thing as this post for my plugin:
https://community.grafana.com/t/how-to-change-the-panel-options-title-on-module-ts/60509 to change the default Panel Title to a constant value every time the plugin is added to a panel.
The old post suggests to look at grafana-runtime/src/config.ts, but I’m not sure how can I change it from there.
I checked module.ts but the panel option for changing panel title is not in it, is there a hidden default title that I can overwrite from module.ts?
There’s a provisioning/dashboards/dashboard.json which have panel title inside: https://github.com/grafana/grafana-plugin-examples/blob/main/examples/panel-basic/provisioning/dashboards/panels.json. I tried to change the panel title from here and rebuilt the plugin but the title stays the same.
How could I possibly change the title?
I’m running grafana server from docker container.
Thank you very much for help.