Change loki helm-chart but preserve existing logs?


I’m trying to replace the loki-stack (2.10.2) with loki (6.5.2) helm-chart. For the new chart I used the same schemaConfig (same timeframe, index, schema etc) and the same S3 bucket. The new loki apparently does not see the logs that already exist. I was expecting loki to pick up the existing logs. What solutions do I have to make this work?

Also, how can I consolidate multiple S3 buckets with different indexes into a single S3 bucket, and make all the logs visible?

Thank you,

I would like to switch from loki-stack to more advanced version. Can you please share direct link to helm which you are using? Did you have any problems with switch? Can you please share some tips and maybe values file (with annonymisation if it is necessary)