Change Admin password

I am getting the following error

I am trying to change the admin password (since I’m not able to log in with the password I set before) using this command:
grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password

Any help would be much much appreciated! THANK YOU

I tried changing the read-write properties of the db file but now it is showing this error!

Hi @saymeowmeow ,

You are missing one “-” when writing homeopath.

So currently you have -homepath but it should be --homepath

Give it a try and hopefully it will work

Still the same error :frowning:

Ok, try to run the command in this specific order once you are at your path:

C:\Progam Files\GrafanaLabs\grafana\bin>

then run below:

grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password --homepath "c:\Program Files\grafana" mynewpassword

Let us know if this works.