Cannot read from a private field

Hello everyone.

All our Dashboards have an error and no data appears. The error is described in the upper left part by a red triangle saying “cannot read from private field”. We have never had this error before and it is occurring with Dashboards that use the Azure Monitor data source plugin and other dashboards that use AWS Cloudwatch data source plugin.

Does anyone know what this can be? Any help is welcome, thank you

EDIT: For those who are also having problems, please open a support ticket, I did this and they told me that they are aware of the problem and, until they release a fix, they made manual changes to my server to get the dashboards working again


Same issue all of a sudden on our aws cloudwatch panels

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me too on all panels with data sources Azure Monitor

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First reported at least 12 hours ago.
Why hasn’t this been rolled back?

When will there be a fix? at least hundreds of people are having issues

Same issue on our aws cloudwatch panels.
Does anyone have any information?
Thank you

me too,
thanks for this post,
try to find the root cause for 1 hour. lol

I opened case to Grafana Cloud support, they workaround to fix it and they provide me a configuration in below to workaround to fix it.

dashboardScene = false