It seems like browser recorder supports only HAR download and not the test script as per this post. However docs doesn’t mention this. This line
The Browser recorder uses the HAR converter under the hood
seems to indicate that recorder should support direct k6 test script download.
Am I mis-understanding the docs? Does one need to first download HAR and then user HAR converter to create k6 test script?
Note: Not using Grafana Cloud sign in option.
Hi @ramgupta,
Welcome to our community forums!
I did give it a try and, apparently, if you’re not using the Cloud option, it is only possible to download the HAR. But I have to admit that I’m not very familiar with the Browser Recorder, so I cannot help much here.
Let me assign this thread to our expert @johanallansson, and see if they can shed some light.
But, please note that this may take a bit longer than usual, cause we’re in the middle of a festivity period, and I don’t know their availability to help with this. But I hope they will eventually do
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Hi @joanlopez, @johanallansson, hoping to hear from you sometime next week.
Sorry of the late answer. I’ve been away on vacation.
The Browser recorder uses the HAR converter under the hood
seems to indicate that recorder should support direct k6 test script download.
Am I mis-understanding the docs? Does one need to first download HAR and then user HAR converter to create k6 test script?
It’s a bit confusing. What we mean is that Grafana Cloud k6 will use the HAR converter to convert the recording to a script, i.e. the conversion is done in the web app and not the extension.
Does one need to first download HAR and then user HAR converter to create k6 test script?
Correct. We also have a new tool called k6 Studio which is currently available in public preview. It generates a script without having to go through Grafana Cloud. Try it out!
Correct. We also have a new tool called k6 Studio which is currently available in public preview. It generates a script without having to go through Grafana Cloud. Try it out!
I tried k6 Studio and found it quick to record and generate test script. Thanks for sharing. Also I appreciate that k6 Studio doesn’t push Grafana Cloud unlike browser recorder. Hope it remains that way.
I also tried validating an existing script using k6 Studio. It works for single script but doesn’t seem to have a way to validate script which refers other script or folders. Will create another post for this.