./bin/grafana-server Killed: 9

I am building the grafana from source and followed exact method as mentioned here http://docs.grafana.org/project/building_from_source/

everything goes through fine but when i start the sever, i get below error

Killed: 9

Please help me !!

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strange, what platform are you building it on?

Did all the build steps complete ok? (backend frontend etc)

mac OS Siera
yes backend and frontend went well… no errors

kmehta$ npm version
{ grafana: β€˜4.2.0-pre1’,
npm: β€˜2.14.7’,
ares: β€˜1.10.1-DEV’,
http_parser: β€˜2.5.0’,
icu: β€˜56.1’,
modules: β€˜46’,
node: β€˜4.2.3’,
openssl: β€˜1.0.2e’,
uv: β€˜1.7.5’,
v8: β€˜’,
zlib: β€˜1.2.8’ }

here is a fix: https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/8097