AWS CloudWatch on Windows

I am using Grafana on Windows and keep getting the same error

e[31mERORe[0m[09-27|06:58:29] Request Completed e[31mloggere[0m=context e[31muserIde[0m=1 e[31morgIde[0m=1 e[31munamee[0m=admin e[31mmethode[0m=POST e[31mpathe[0m=/api/datasources/proxy/3 e[31mstatuse[0m=500 e[31mremote_addre[0m=[::1] e[31mtime_mse[0m=20411 e[31msizee[0m=36 e[31mreferere[0m=http://localhost:8080/datasources/edit/3
e[31mERORe[0m[09-27|06:59:37] Unable to call AWS API e[31mloggere[0m=context e[31muserIde[0m=1 e[31morgIde[0m=1 e[31munamee[0m=admin e[31merrore[0m="NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.\n\tFor verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors"

I have my credentials file in C:\ This works for AWS SDK calls directly. Not sure what this error is saying. I have tried explicitly defining the path to the credentials and leaving the credentials blank.

Have you tried using the Access & Secret key option instead? Might be easier than trying to figure out the problems with a local file.