App plugin proxy not loading on private instances

I’m developing an app plugin which has a panel and uses the datasource proxy to forward requests through the grafana instance.
I have signed this privately so that I can manually deploy it on my private instances of grafana.
When running in the the scaffolded compose file it works fine and I am able to proxy through the route and update configurations:

but when I then install this on another instance of grafana, also through docker compose, on the same address (so the private signature still works). The proxy doesn’t go anywhere and I can’t update the configs:

I also get these errors on the log:

grafana-1  | logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin t=2024-11-26T10:45:10.534877761Z level=info msg="Request Completed" method=GET path=/api/gnet/plugins/test-app status=404 remote_addr= time_ms=43 duration=43.753392ms size=116 referer=http://localhost:3000/plugins/test-app handler=/api/gnet/* status_source=server

I can see the plugin be registered in the log and the frontend works but it appears to not launch the proxy. Is there a setup step that I’ve missed which the scaffolded compose does for me?

Hi @noriker there should not be any difference for the data source proxy for your case and it seems your container (docker compose in this case) is not correctly configured.

If you can’t update the config is most likely you are provisioning your app plugin with incorrect information or your container can’t store the configuration (file system error?)

In any case I advice you to look into your container access to internet/api and file system permissions or check your provisioning files.