Annoataion list panel - link behavior

Hi there :raising_hand_woman:

I’m using the Annotation list panel to show manually created annotations. I use this panel on multiple dashboards, but I’m not getting the link behavior to work correctly when the panel contains annotations from different dashboards. I want to click on an annotation and get linked directly to the timeseries panel where the annotation is, but this only works if the annotation is in a timeseries panel that’s on the same dashboard as the annotaion list panel. If the annotation is created in a panel on a separate dashboard, the linking just takes me to the dashboard where this panel is, instead of taking me directly to the panel view. The link behavior settings I have looks like this;

I can’t find that this has been discussed before, but certainly there must be someone struggling with the same thing? Can someone provide me with a solution or maybe confirm that this is a known bug? Any help appreciated. :pray:

I’m using Grafana 11.2.0 installed with docker compose, but this behavior of the annotation list I’ve seen in various versions since 9.xx