Alert List not showing all alarms

Panel “alertlist” is not showing all alerts for some reason. For this particular example, i set the filter to “pending”, it should show 12 alerts, but it is showing only 9 instead. I am attaching screenshot of the panel, and also the screenshot of Explore, with query: ALERTS{alertstate=“pending”}
I am using grafana v11.3.1. I also tried on version 11.4.0, and I have same problem.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Here is the alert list panel json:
“id”: 12,
“type”: “alertlist”,
“title”: “Pending”,
“gridPos”: {
“x”: 0,
“y”: 6,
“h”: 19,
“w”: 12
“fieldConfig”: {
“defaults”: {},
“pluginVersion”: “11.3.1”,
“options”: {
“viewMode”: “list”,
“groupMode”: “default”,
“groupBy”: ,
“maxItems”: 20,
“sortOrder”: 1,
“dashboardAlerts”: false,
“alertName”: “”,
“alertInstanceLabelFilter”: “{namespace=~"$namespace"}”,
“stateFilter”: {
“firing”: false,
“pending”: true,
“noData”: false,
“normal”: false,
“error”: false
“datasource”: “Prometheus”