Alert Creation Failure: Error Encountered When Detecting pgpool Status Down

I’ve configured a Patroni cluster, with PGPool serving as the load balancer. We have a file that logs PGPool status in the following format:

Example 1:

Example 2:

I’m able to monitor PGPool status on a Grafana panel using the query:

{job="pgstats"} |= `up`

However, when attempting to use the same query on the Grafana alert page, I encounter the following error:

[sse.readDataError] [A] got error: input data must be a wide series but got type long (input refid)

Running the identical query on a Grafana dashboard panel yields the expected output, but it doesn’t function correctly on the alert page.


  • Grafana: v10.4.0
  • Loki/Promtail: v2.9.0
  • Alert Manager: v0.27.0

Alerting works when the underlying query returns numeric data.
More info: Alert queries fail with "input data must be wide series but got type not (input refid)" · Issue #46429 · grafana/grafana · GitHub

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