429 TooManyRequest on plugin signature

For a few days now, I got a 429 TooManyRequest error when signing my plugins. Could you communicate about that ? What is the maximum request per hour/day. Since when this security is on ?

Hi @younesguarssifi we are not open on sharing our internal rate limits because of security reasons but for a normal user, who probably requires a plugin signing from time to time should not be an issue at all

Are you facing this issue from your terminal or from CI? (e.g. github action).

Hello @academo,
I’m facing this issue from an azure pipeline. I may have around 20 plugins (panels and datasources) that I build and sign from time to time.

Any news on that ?

Hi @younesguarssifi can you give us some insights on how’s your pipeline working?

are you perhaps signing all of your plugins at the same time every time you push a commit to any of them?