Where can I apply sourcemaps in my Loki Grafana flow, so that stacktraces are useful?

Where can I apply TypeScript & minification sourcemaps in my FluentBit → Loki → Grafana flow, so that stacktraces are useful?

Apologies if the question is daft - I am a back-end developer, but want to enable my colleagues React UI to push logging (using loglevel & loglevel-remote) into same overall observability platform.

I found [dev.frontend-receiver] add sourcemap support · Issue #1295 · grafana/agent · GitHub on the topic, but nothing else so far.

I assume I am asking in wrong place or wrong question - but if anyone could point me to the right place it would be really helpful.

I am looking to do this kind of thing:

but with Grafana and Loki obviously.

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