Value Formats error

I keep running into this weird behavior on Grafana. I built a graph and added few alerts. Worked brilliantly in softenv. When I populate the same using a YAML it throws this error. Really unable to get around this error.

f.default.valueFormats[b] is not a function

TypeError: f.default.valueFormats[b] is not a function
    at Object.A.a.tickFormatter (******/grafana/public/app/boot.js:18:14064)
    at Object.D.a.isFunction.b.tickFormatter (******/grafana/public/app/boot.js:19:25748)
    at E (******/grafana/public/app/boot.js:19:26611)
    at Object.<anonymous> (******/grafana/public/app/boot.js:19:24059)
    at Function.each (******/grafana/public/app/boot.js:35:1923)
    at B (******/grafana/public/app/boot.js:19:24033)
    at new c (******/grafana/public/app/boot.js:20:12188)
    at Function.a.plot (******/grafana/public/app/boot.js:20:15025)
    at a (******/grafana/public/app/boot.js:18:10101)


Are you using the dashboard provisioning feature?


Hello @mefraimsson
Thank you for the reply. No we are not using Grafana Provisioning.

Grafana doesn’t support dashboard definitions in yaml. Only json. Really hard to understand what tools you’re using and when the above error happens. Please try to be more specific to be able to help you further.
