Using the "field name" in alert message (flux)

I have a hard time figuring out how to use the field name in the alert message in my Grafana 9.3.6 instance.

I found a couple of forum posts but the apparently the documentation webpages of Grafana have been restructured and I am constantly bumping in 404. I also found an unanswered related post e.g.

Long story short, this is my alert, which triggers nicely but as you can see, each subplot has the same label 1-wire ecap-s010, but I’d like to display the actual r._field which should look something like rack23-temp.

Here you can see that the alert I get does not name the actual r._field, so based on the mail, I have no idea which rack is burning :wink:

I don’t really understand how and where to put what in the template, so any advise would be more than welcome.

I am pretty sure I have to fill here some {{ ... }} placeholders but absolutely no idea where to start. I also have not found any way to display a preview of the message, so I have to force the alarm to be triggered to get the mail, which is kind of annoying too. I am sure I overlook something…

I have the same issue on Grafana 11. My data source doesn’t have any tags and it works fine for dashboards. The graphs display the field names and the values.
However, when using the same flux query in alerting, the series are identified with measurement only.

Is there a solution for this without restructuring the data source?