Use $values.A.Value got no data

Hi everyone.
I created a alert rule, it has 2 expressions, A is a query:

(1 - (node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes{job=~"orb-node-exporter"} / (node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{job=~"orb-node-exporter"}))) 

B is a Threshold:

Input: A
Is above: 0.3

But when i use

Orb Node: {{ $labels.instance }} is high memory utilization, the current utilization is {{ humanizePercentage $values.A.Value }}
Please Check it.
{{ $values }} {{ $value }}

I got [no data]. And {{ $values }} only has expression B’s value, like this:

map[B:1] [ var='B' labels={instance=XXXX, job=XXX} value=1 ] 

This seems strange. Please, could you provide steps to reproduce the error?

Here’s a simple docker compose demo setup that you may be helpful for reproducing the issue.

Thx reply.
I found the prob. When A is a query, u need a Reduce to trans metrics to a single vaule, then i can use $values.A to show the dynomic value.