Use time picker with value

Hello Community,

I have a little question about the time picker. In my Postgres database, I don’t have a time column(like timestamp etc.)… My column for the time is a value like “202006”. That is for the year 2020 and the month of June.
So my question is is it possible to use the time picker on the right top for my “time” column?

TimePicker will give you __from (Full date string with timezone) and __to global variables populated with selected time range, then you can use format date functions of postgres and check only month and year of the selected date range.
You will probably not be able to use $__timeFilter function or create the timeseries charts which requires mainly the epoch time as time column.

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Thank you for your help! I didn’t know about __from and __to …
__from gives the unitx timestamp not a full date string! With to_timestamp(cast(__from/1000 as bigint))::date) it is possible to convert it into a date :slight_smile:

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Yes you can apply any formatting to extract the date out of it. Best wishes!!