Hello everyone,
I’m very new to grafana plugin development. I’ve managed to create a streaming datasource and i want to publish it on the plugin directory.
Sadly i’m having problems packaging it and i could really use your help.
This is my repo => relay-grafana/arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource at v1.0.0 · Realtime-Relay/relay-grafana · GitHub
In this repo, there is a build.sh file which i run to build the plugin (along with mage for the backend bit)
In the end of it, a zip file of the plugin is created with the binaries and frontend files. I create a release and upload the zip file to it.
To verify the plugin, i run => npx -y @grafana/plugin-validator@latest -sourceCodeUri https://github.com/Realtime-Relay/relay-grafana/tree/v1.0.0 https://github.com/Realtime-Relay/relay-grafana/releases/download/v1.0.0/arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource-1.0.0.zip
But this throws a LOT of errors which i can’t seem to figure out for the life of me. I can understand the README errors (this is lower in priority) but how do i solve the other errors?
error: Could not find or parse package.json from /var/folders/_c/hvrmgqmd1qn5w7dytnh4rqx00000gn/T/validator274574463/
detail: The package.json inside the provided source code can't be parsed or doesn't exist.
warning: unsigned plugin
detail: This is a new (unpublished) plugin. This is expected during the initial review process. Please allow the review to continue, and a member of our team will inform you when your plugin can be signed.
error: go.mod can not be found in your source code
detail: You have indicated your plugin uses a backend (backend=true), but go.mod can not be found in your source code. If your plugin has a backend component you must use go (golang)
error: README.md: convert relative link to absolute: docs/ds_setup.png
detail: README.md contains relative links. These links will not work on the Grafana plugin's catalog. Convert them to absolute links. (starting with https://)
error: README.md: convert relative link to absolute: docs/graph_setup.png
detail: README.md contains relative links. These links will not work on the Grafana plugin's catalog. Convert them to absolute links. (starting with https://)
error: README.md: convert relative link to absolute: docs/demo_gif.gif
detail: README.md contains relative links. These links will not work on the Grafana plugin's catalog. Convert them to absolute links. (starting with https://)
error: Invalid Go manifest file: arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/Magefile.go
detail: file arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/Magefile.go is in the source code but not in the manifest
error: Invalid Go manifest file: arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/pkg/main.go
detail: file arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/pkg/main.go is in the source code but not in the manifest
error: Invalid Go manifest file: arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/pkg/models/settings.go
detail: file arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/pkg/models/settings.go is in the source code but not in the manifest
error: Invalid Go manifest file: arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/pkg/plugin/datasource.go
detail: file arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/pkg/plugin/datasource.go is in the source code but not in the manifest
error: Invalid Go manifest file: arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/pkg/plugin/datasource_test.go
detail: file arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/pkg/plugin/datasource_test.go is in the source code but not in the manifest
error: Invalid Go manifest file: arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/pkg/plugin/query.go
detail: file arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/pkg/plugin/query.go is in the source code but not in the manifest
error: Invalid Go manifest file: arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/pkg/plugin/relay.go
detail: file arjunpreetham49-relay-datasource/pkg/plugin/relay.go is in the source code but not in the manifest
error: Invalid Go manifest file: pkg/plugin/query.go
detail: pkg/plugin/query.go is in the manifest but not in source code
error: Invalid Go manifest file: pkg/plugin/relay.go
detail: pkg/plugin/relay.go is in the manifest but not in source code
error: Invalid Go manifest file: Magefile.go
detail: Magefile.go is in the manifest but not in source code
error: Invalid Go manifest file: pkg/main.go
detail: pkg/main.go is in the manifest but not in source code
error: Invalid Go manifest file: pkg/models/settings.go
detail: pkg/models/settings.go is in the manifest but not in source code
error: Invalid Go manifest file: pkg/plugin/datasource.go
detail: pkg/plugin/datasource.go is in the manifest but not in source code
error: Invalid Go manifest file: pkg/plugin/datasource_test.go
detail: pkg/plugin/datasource_test.go is in the manifest but not in source code
error: The provided javascript/typescript source code does not match your plugin archive assets.
detail: Verify the provided source code is the same as the one used to generate plugin archive. If you are providing a git repository URL make sure to include the correct ref (branch or tag) in the URL.
The following 5 file(s) differ when comparing source map with source code.
- ./components/QueryEditor.tsx
- ./types.ts
- ./datasource.ts
- ./module.ts
- ./components/ConfigEditor.tsx
Any help would be really appreciated! Thank you!