Unable to connect to MySQL source using Private Data Connector

That DESKTOP-BC7IDV9 can’t be resolved (IP can’t be discovered for that hostname). You have to use hostname/DNS name, which can be resolved first. (or configure DNS so DNS will be able to resolved it). Only you kniw how host resolution works in your network.

Thanks for replaying me @jangaraj,
yeah you 're right my host name is this DESKTOP-BC7IDV9\SQLEXPRESS

after I apply my changes so now this type errors show me

and this is Docker errors

2024-03-07 14:51:54 level=info caller=ssh.go:182 ts=2024-03-07T09:21:54.276371891Z msg="stopping ssh client"
2024-03-07 14:51:54 level=info caller=main.go:109 ts=2024-03-07T09:21:54.905083639Z msg="PDC agent info" version=v0.0.25 commit=448d27eba56ebac42de334a0a21398140f8b1113 date=2024-03-05T16:29:01Z sshversion="OpenSSH_9.6p1, OpenSSL 3.1.2 1 Aug 2023" os=linux arch=amd64
2024-03-07 14:51:54 level=info caller=ssh.go:114 ts=2024-03-07T09:21:54.90586644Z msg="starting ssh client"
2024-03-07 14:51:54 level=info caller=keymanager.go:53 ts=2024-03-07T09:21:54.915344861Z msg="starting key manager"
2024-03-07 14:51:54 level=info caller=keymanager.go:179 ts=2024-03-07T09:21:54.915825162Z msg="found existing valid certificate"
2024-03-07 14:51:54 level=info caller=keymanager.go:192 ts=2024-03-07T09:21:54.915935662Z msg="found valid grafana_pdc_known_hosts"
2024-03-07 14:51:54 level=info caller=ssh.go:292 ts=2024-03-07T09:21:54.921493874Z msg="Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal."
2024-03-07 14:51:57 level=info caller=ssh.go:292 ts=2024-03-07T09:21:57.27042061Z msg="Allocated port 1234 for remote forward to socks:0"
2024-03-07 14:51:57 level=info caller=ssh.go:292 ts=2024-03-07T09:21:57.492672864Z msg="This is Grafana Private Datasource Connect!\n"

That’s not valid host name from the DNS perspective. Use IP address and you won’t need to deal with DNS resolution.

can you please explain how to Use IP address and how to deal with DNS resolution.
I am new for this technology.


  1. how are you connecting to mysql ? This is mine

I can connect using localhost address: with port 3306

First connect to mysql in your machine and find out which ip and port.

u r running grafana on cloud or local? mysql in same place? everything is in docker? then have u exposed the ip, port ?